20181130: Uni Graz | TU

Editing the footage of the interviews called for some sort of establishing shots to indicate from where these interlocutors anchored their expertise, and the consistency of a documentary element that I was so far constructing. Steven Weiss, a professor at University of Graz, was inadvertently filmed within my room at Priesterseminar, which was located next to the original university of Graz. Perhaps it was even more apt that it the interview was filmed at Priesterseminar, continued the tradition of the university and its staff acting under the influence of the Catholic Church. The establishing shot that I found to frame the segment with Weiss was a rack focus between a university sign on the Uni Graz campus and the building of Natural Sciences.

Günter Gruber worked within the department of water engineering at the Technische Universität Graz. The opposition between these two experts of different departments and different universities is not unusual but important to recall when the dogma of a political righteousness has formed. Even experts disagree.