Space Waste
Three film stills of dual-channel video
4k digital dual-channel video, 30 minutes, 2024. Starring Abraham Gutierrez, Gerhard Ziehenberg.
A collaboration with DadaGlobal and Stefan Schmitzer. Translation by Mark Kanak.
An alien entity visits Earth to learn about the on-planet recycling programs.
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth", as the Bible says. Even as our eyes turn towards the heavens, imagining new places to create [and]or exploit, and dreaming up the technical means to do so, we find ourselves haunted by the question: precisely what earth? And: for the meek to inherit it, what has to happen to the rest of us? ––– Juxtaposing iconic cinema that visualized our life in outer space with conversation about the conditions of solid waste management in the Austrian city of Graz, SPACE WASTE poses prescient previso about the second coming of the Space Age.
Press Materials
Press Release, Press Kit, One-Sheet, Fact Sheet
Made with the support of:
Bundesministerium, Das Land Steiermark, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, Flux Factory, the City of Graz, Graz Holding, Interntationale Literatur dialoge, Õsterreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur, Saubermacher, and Schaumbad.
Special thanks to Iris Kasper and Eva Ursprung.